Education & Learning

Collaborate & Learn in an AI Workspace

TeamAI is a ChatGPT-like platform operating in a shared workspace. This means you can monitor how students are using AI within the shared folders, integrate classroom resources to “chat” with your texts, syllabi or handbooks, and integrate this new technology into the classroom or learning environment in a more robust way.

Open Free Workspace

Trusted by 1,000+ Organizations

Safely and Effectively Use AI in Your Classrooms

Nutshell Superpowers it’s Marketing Team

“TeamAI is like a superpowered ChatGPT. It gave our team a way to work together using tools like GPT-4 and Claude 2.”

AI Project Assistants

Create a purpose-built chat assistant for any classroom scenario. Create custom assistants to:

  • Chat with classroom resources.
  • Enhance learning experiences with AI integration
  • “Chat” with external resources safely.

Provide custom instructions and personas to get the responses you need.

Discover AI Assistants

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Learning Resource Libraries

Upload and chat with 1000s of your own documents including:

  • Centralized educational materials
  • Syllabi or study guides
  • Researched papers or approved articles

Pull from your own resources to add value for students.

Discover Datastores

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Collaborative Workspace

Enable a collaborative educational environment while leveraging AI with:

  • Shared Lesson Plans
  • Peer Review Systems
  • Interactive Learning Modules

Promote engagement and peer learning among students while using AI safely.

Discover Collaborative Workspaces

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Using Gemini, OpenAI & More

Today the best model is GPT4, tomorrow it’s Gemini Pro. Don’t get stuck with a single model platform like ChatGPT.

TeamAI let’s you pick the best available model for the job.

Discover Multi-Platform Functionality

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Custom Prompt Libraries

Create custom prompts that will help your educators and students:

  • Brainstorm and iterate on new ideas creatively.
  • Reflect on learning goals.
  • Generate lesson plans or supportive documentation.

Foster creativity and critical thinking in students and educators in an AI environment.

Discover Shared Prompts

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Quality Assurance & Oversight

TeamAI let’s you see what your students are working on and how much they’re using AI.

  • Provide quality assurance.
  • Improve AI use by promoting collaboration.
  • Keep an eye on safety.

Ensure the highest educational standards and outcomes within an AI world.

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Automated AI Workflows

Create multi-step AI workflows to:

  • Review assignments
  • Generate personalized responses
  • Simplify administrative tasks.

TeamAI let’s you run multiple prompts in a row, as well as pull in your down data libraries and databases to automate repetitive workflows.

Discover Automated Workflows

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Go to the Head of the Class

From facilitating in-depth research to generating innovative educational materials, AI is revolutionizing the way educational institutions and educators operate. An overwhelming number of educators believe that tools like ChatGPT will have a positive impact on their teaching methods and student engagement. Embrace AI to elevate the educational experience and remain at the forefront of academic advancements with a dynamic learning environment prepared for the future’s possibilities. Start a Free Trial »

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Create your AI-driven workspace in just 30 seconds

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